1 minute read

Finally, now to use the GOTEK (as purchased from RetroClinic). I wanted to read from TAPE and store on the USB stick - in this case, a nice opportunity to use ADFS (all those years, I’d mostly used Opus DDOS - 720kb vs ADFS 640kb, that and its RAM disc..).

Initial challenge was - how to do it? There’s a simple recipe, the manual way:

  • *TAPE
  • LOAD ""
  • Press “play”, and note the filename..
  • *ADFS
  • SAVE "whatever"
  • ..and its now on the USB stick

Just need to select a suitable disc image in the GoTEK (an ADFS one in this case) - with sufficient space, of course. This meant that the .ADF file on the USB stick can then be read in on a PC/Mac and used with an emulator or just extracted as a data file for use natively.

To extract the data, I looked around, and found Jon Welch’s Mac ADFS Explorer which meant my macbook would be useable as a dev tool. Suffice to say, one USB stick later - and the data (after 30+ years - nearer 40!) was now from cassette and onto far newer hardware. Proof of concept: tick!

However, this was pretty laborious - must be a quicker way. I looked around the web, and found a fair few utilities:

  • CopyFiles - on the BBC Welcome Disc
  • CopyFiles - updated at Sprow’s web pages
  • Disc Doctor ROM - good thread on StarDot
  • TreeCopy - from J.G.Harston @ MDFS

Now, all of these (alas) seem to bo focussed on DFS transfers - something I’ll need later, but at the moment - I need a simple LOAD->SAVE utility. Can’t seem to find one!

Time to roll up my sleeves then, and back to hacking BBC BASIC - but now with an internet to help me!