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Hello, and welcome to Retrograde! A trip into the disc and tape archives . . .

This blog was started after a conversation with Mark @ idesine about the new edition of “Acorn - A World in Pixels - Extended Edition”. I was the co-author of “Vertigo”, a game for the BBC Micro / BBC Master / Electron, released on “Play It Again Sam 16”, published by Superior Software at the tail end of the 8-bit era. I was still in contact with James, my co-author, so we responded to Mark’s request for an interview. A positive response from the stardot forum - and a few queries about a long-lost Robo-1 type-in game I’d made years before for Computer and Video Games magazine . . .

Looking back at the game we developed whilst still at school, did make me realise how fortunate we were to be growing up at the start of the home computer wave - and discovered how large a community was out there for the BBC and Electron. It felt like a good reason to dust off my BBC Master 128k, fire it up, and host the archives to share with the community. Let the dusting commence!